Elk Thunder, a Sichangu (Burnt Thigh) or Brule Sioux warrior aged 23 in 1876, fought under Crow Dog in the Battle of Little Big Horn, in which he counted four coups and took two scalps. “I was 23 the summer had the battle. I remember that day was very hot. Most...
Feather Earring, a Hunkpapa Sioux warrior and follower of Sitting Bull in 1876, fought under Chief Crow King at the Battle of the little Big Horn. Fighting mad after his brother Dog-With-Horns was killed early in the battle, he was never sure how many soldiers he shot...
Fools Crow, an Oglala Sioux and brother of Chief Eagle Bear, was an 11-year old apprentice warrior in 1876. After witnessing most of the Battle of Little Big Horn from benchlands overlooking the battlefield, he joined other youngsters who swarmed around Custer’s...
Flies Across a Northern Cheyenne warrior in 1876, fought under Chief Lame White Man in the Battle of Little Big Horn. As a young apprentice warrior, he took a dead soldier’s scalp. “But my name is known to our people as well as the Lakota (Sioux). It came...
Frank Pine, also known as Blind Man, was 86 when Miller painted his portrait in 1941. A Northern Cheyenne, he fought at age 21 under Chief Lame White Man, who was killed during the battle of Little Big Horn. “My nickname, Blind Man, came after I had a vision of...
Fred Belt, a Hunkpapa Sioux follower of Sitting Bull in 1876, fought at the Battle of Little Bighorn under Chief Black Moon. A Ghost Dancer in 1890, Belt narrowly missed becoming a casualty at the Massacre of Wounded Knee when his band was briefly lost in the South...