Peter Bear Stop

Peter Bear Stop, a Minneconjou Sioux warrior, was only 12 years old in the 1876, but took part in the last stand action which climaxed the Battle of the Little Big Horn. His name, more accurately translated as Stops the Bear was inherited from his father, who had...

Philip Rising Sun

Philip Rising Sun, a Northern Cheyenne warrioir aged 17 in 1876, fought under Chief Lame White Man at the Battle of Little Big Horn. During the fighting, Rising Sun took a scalp. But he secured a more curious trophy after the battle when he found a watch on a...

Philip White Bird

Philip White Bird, a Hunkpapa Sioux follower of Sitting Bull in 1876, fought in the Battle of Little Big Horn at Gall. By 1890, however, he was an Indian policeman serving standing rock agent James McLaughlin. In the fierce fighting following the assassination of...

Red Feather

Red Feather, an Assiniboine or Stony Sioux warrior in 1876, fought under Chief Scabby Head of the Sihasapa or Blackfeet Sioux at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. One of a small party of Assiniboines visiting Yanktonnai Sioux relatives at Little Big Horn, Red Feather...

Red Fox

Red Fox, a Northern Cheyenne apprentice warrior in 1876, fought under Chief Two Moon in the Battle of Little Big Horn, later scouted for the United States Army against the Sioux. “You ask about my name. When I was born, I guess my grandfather saw a red fox...

Red Paint

Red Paint, an Oglala Sioux warrior aged 18 in 1876, fought under Crazy Horse in the Battle of the Little Big Horn, in which he counted four coups, took two scalps and captured an army carbine and three cavalry horses. “To us certain colors have much significance...