
One Elk

One Elk

One Elk, a Hunkpapa Sioux warrior aged 24 in 1876, was one of Chief Black Moon's camp police at the Battle of Little Big Horn and saw his leader shot dead in the early skirmishing with Reno's command. In 1890, during the Ghost Dance uprising, One Elk was a tribal...



Pemmican, an Oglala Sioux warrior in 1876, fought under He-Dog at the Battle of Little Big Horn, participating in boththe counterattack against Reno's command and the final surround fo Custer's immediate command. Although a comparative youngster, he counted a coup on...

Peter Bear Stop

Peter Bear Stop

Peter Bear Stop, a Minneconjou Sioux warrior, was only 12 years old in the 1876, but took part in the last stand action which climaxed the Battle of the Little Big Horn. His name, more accurately translated as Stops the Bear was inherited from his father, who had...

Philip Rising Sun

Philip Rising Sun

Philip Rising Sun, a Northern Cheyenne warrioir aged 17 in 1876, fought under Chief Lame White Man at the Battle of Little Big Horn. During the fighting, Rising Sun took a scalp. But he secured a more curious trophy after the battle when he found a watch on a...

Philip White Bird

Philip White Bird

Philip White Bird, a Hunkpapa Sioux follower of Sitting Bull in 1876, fought in the Battle of Little Big Horn at Gall. By 1890, however, he was an Indian policeman serving standing rock agent James McLaughlin. In the fierce fighting following the assassination of...

Red Feather

Red Feather

Red Feather, an Assiniboine or Stony Sioux warrior in 1876, fought under Chief Scabby Head of the Sihasapa or Blackfeet Sioux at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. One of a small party of Assiniboines visiting Yanktonnai Sioux relatives at Little Big Horn, Red Feather...

Red Fox

Red Fox

Red Fox, a Northern Cheyenne apprentice warrior in 1876, fought under Chief Two Moon in the Battle of Little Big Horn, later scouted for the United States Army against the Sioux. "You ask about my name. When I was born, I guess my grandfather saw a red fox running...

Henry Kills Alive

Henry Kills Alive

Henry Kills Alive, a Hunkpapa Sioux, veteran of the Battle of Little Big Horn, was 87 when Miller painted his portrait in 1939. Loyal to Sitting Bull in earlier times, he took part in that leader's assassination in 1890 during the Ghost Dance uprising. "We were all...

Joseph White Cow Bull

Joseph White Cow Bull

Joseph White Cow Bull, an Oglala Sioux warrior aged 38 in 1876, joined three Cheyenne warriors to defend a ford when troops under George A. Custer charged down Medicine Tail Coulee to attack the Indian village. Exchanging shots with a buckskin-clad leader who may well...

Henry Little Soldier

Henry Little Soldier

Henry Little Soldier (Henry Sitting Bull), one of Sitting Bull's sons, fought as a youthful warrior in the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. In 1890, he witnessed his father's assassination by Indian policemen, fled south with other Hunkpapas to join Chief Big Foot's...

Kills a Hundred

Kills a Hundred

Kills a Hundred, an Oglala Sioux warrior in 1876, fought under Crazy Horse at the Battle of Little Big Horn, in which he killed two soldiers and captured six cavalry horses. In 1890, he was by his own statement among the more rabid of the Ghost Dancers and one of the...

High Bald Eagle

High Bald Eagle

High Bald Eagle, a Sichangu (Burnt thigh) or Brule Sioux 20-year old warrior in 1876, was a follower of Crow Dog at the Battle of Little Big Horn. A nephew of Chief Iron Shell Necklace and a cousin of Chief Spotted Tail, High Bald Eagle had an envious war record which...

Kills Pretty Enemy

Kills Pretty Enemy

Leo Kills Pretty Enemy, son of a Hunkpapa Sioux father and a Brule Sioux mother, was 21 years old at the time of the Battle of Little Big Horn and a seasoned warrior who fount under Chief Crow King, Gall and other fighting leaders. His initiation to the warpath...

Hollow Horn Eagle

Hollow Horn Eagle

Hollow Horn Eagle, a Sichangu (Burnt Thigh) or Brule Sioux warrior in 1897, fought under Crow Dog in the Battle of Little Bighorn. In 1890, he was avid follower of Short Bull, a medicine-man who led the Ghost Dance among the Brule. "Our way was to split up their...

Iron Hawk

Iron Hawk

Iron Hawk, a Hunkpapa Sioux medicine-man in later years, was only 14 in 1876, but big for his age. He fought both at the Battle of the Rosebud and at the Battle of Little Big Horn, in which he beat one of Custer's troopers to death with his bow after wounding him with...

Jacob Callous Leg

Jacob Callous Leg

Jacob Callous Leg, Hunkpapa Sioux follower of Sitting Bull in 1876, he fought under his kinsman Gall at the Battle of Little Big Horn in which he counted three coups and captured four cavalry horses. A Ghost Dancer in 1890, he witnessed the assassination of Sitting...

Jacob Little Skunk

Jacob Little Skunk

Jacob Little Skunk, a Minneconjou Sioux warrior aged 16 in 1876, fought under Fast Bull and High-Backbone, fighting leaders of the Little Big Horn. He was among a mass of warriors who surrounded and annihilated the last 30 troopers of Custer's command toward the end...

James Comes Again

James Comes Again

James Comes Again, an Oglala Sioux apprentice warrior in 1876, witnessed much of the Battle of Little Bighorn, before joining a large party of youngsters who got in on the tail-end of the fighting in the final surround of Custer's immediate command. He later became a...

John Did Not Go Home

John Did Not Go Home

John Did Not Go Home, an Itazipcho or Sansarc Sioux warrior aged 15 in 1876, fought under Chief Spotted Eagle, fighting Sansarc leader at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. He was in both the counterattack against Reno's command and the final surround and annihilation...

John Dives Backward

John Dives Backward

John Dives Backward, a Northern Cheyenne 12 year old in 1876, was among the first of the tribe at the start of the Little Big Horn to see the approach of attacking troopers under Reno. He later fought valiantly with other youngsters under the Cheyenne Chief Ice. "The...